by Cong@Ches5919P | May 27, 2020 | Projects & Finance
Work will be on the Centopath Project will week commencing 8th June 2020 until w/c 21st September. Full details HERE. Income and project cost sheets were issued prior to the meeting Inclusive of the full “low wall” Project cost £157,975 Half “low wall” Project cost...
by Cong@Ches5919P | May 7, 2020 | Sustainability
Congleton Sustainability Group met recently via zoom, download the full meeting minutes HERE. Congleton Green: Congleton Green working group’s met on Thursday 23rd April (Zoom), Jackie MacArthur had invited Dan Firth to explain Sustainable Procurement principles, this...
by Cong@Ches5919P | May 2, 2020 | News & Events
We have rescheduled the Green Fayre to October, fingers crossed we can hold it!