by Cong@Ches5919P | Dec 11, 2020 | Executive, News & Events, Projects & Finance
The partnership executive meeting took place recently, projects and budgets discussed for the coming year. Read the full meeting minutes HERE. Partnership Budgets / Project Plan 2021- 2022. A budget and project spreadsheet was issued prior to the meeting and will be...
by Cong@Ches5919P | Dec 8, 2020 | Projects & Finance
Congleton now has a new cenotaph that it can be proud of. This joint project between The Congleton Partnership and Congleton Town Council has been 7 years in the making. The old cenotaph built in the late ’20s and added to after the second world war was looking tired...
by Cong@Ches5919P | Dec 8, 2020 | Sustainability
Congleton Sustainability Group group met via zoom recently, download the full meeting minutes HERE. Highlights include: Hydro Scheme DVCE. A monthly newsletter is available from just visit this website and subscribe. The screw has...