Cenotaph Group meeting took place recently, download the full minutes HERE.
Armistice day & Remembrance Sunday Feedback. |
40 attendees on Armistice Day, good to see support of local schools.
Massive Crowd on Remembrance Sunday, a stunning, impressive parade. 43 Wreathes laid plus a large number of crosses. Discussion around having the entire service at The Cenotaph instead of in church. Further thought to be given to this and the implications arising. |
Interpretation/ Information Boards.
Old Plaques |
Planning application in for both boards ( 21/3512C) Planning application for old plaques (21/4156C) Both application have been approved with small number of minor conditions. Information Boards JKC and MSp are working with various parties to get this work completed. There is a 5 week delivery time on the Portland Stone from Albion Stone. MS to obtain purchase order numbers so that orders for the items can be placed, JKC will store the stone and plaques at his home until the brickwork is completed. PO 756/2122 Albion Stone (Portland Stone Plaques x 2) £296 E PO 757/2122 Brunel Engraving (Stainless Steel Plaques and Engraving x 2) £1152 E PO 756/2122 Midland Masonry ( 2 x brick columns and siting of the plaques) £2090 E Partnership have budgeted for these costs. Old Plaques – Town Hall Foyer. M.Spender to approach Midland Masonry to see if they would be able to erect these during one of their visits and what the likely cost would be. Once the plaques are up JKC will help in the selection of the lighting to be used to illuminate them. These costs to be paid by Congleton Town Council. |