The Cenotaph group meeting took place recently, download the full meeting minutes HERE.
Highlights include:
Snagging List – Nothing outstanding at present. A small amount of grouting of paving to be completed.
JKC agreed to look at the white substance leaching from the blue bricks and removed when he visits the site, also to remove the gaffa tape that has appeared on the lights.
Names & Defects.
Nick Roberson ( Stone Mason) to visit the site early spring to assess amendments to names and generally look at issues that may arise ( Saxon cross and small chips on odd plinths)
MS to organise a name check as some queries have arisen from residents/ relatives and report back prior to the next meeting. Spreadsheet issued at the meeting with MS findings. RD and JS to cross-check with work also done by RD and come up with suggestions as to what corrections ought to be made. We will need a follow-up meeting to discuss this prior to Nick Roberson’s visit so that he can advise what can and can’t be done, and what will not affect the overall appearance of the Cenotaph. This meeting to be called mid-Feb as workload permits.
Dedication Event – 19.9.21 MS has issued a document showing who has been contacted re dates in their diaries.
MS to contact Gary Dolman for confirmation of the people he has invited then send out the amended document.
Cannot progress much further without information from the RAF display team as their attendance would set up a timeline. Also, we need a much better view of the Covid 19 rules/criteria and the overall situation regarding the Pandemic.