The Cenotaph meeting took place recently, download the full meeting minutes HERE.
The meeting included:
The group wished to record in the minutes the sad loss of Mark Pickford. Mark passed away on9.1.21. He worked on the project from 2012 serving on the group for over 6 years, his support and dedication were gratefully appreciated.
Old Plaques
It was felt that the old plaques should be available for the public to see and not be hidden away in storage.
A suggestion was made for the plaques to be displayed in the Town Hall foyer.
D.McGifford to raise this with the Town Hall Committee for support. If support is given then John Carter will discuss listed building considerations with Cath Bailey ( Cheshire East)
David McGifford to provide John Carter of a photo of the suggested location.
Dedication Event 19.9.21
MS has issued a document showing who has been contacted re dates in their diaries.
GD has had a reply from Lt Col Green who is progressing ideas with RHQ Mercian.
Cannot progress much further without information from the RAF display team as their attendance would set up a timeline. Also, we need a much better view on the Covid 19 rules/criteria and the overall situation regarding the Pandemic.
Next meeting:
Tuesday 02.03.21 Zoom 10.00 am