Cenotaph meeting took place recently, for the full meeting minutes click HERE.
- Insurance of masonry components at Sandyacre.
JKC has visited Sandiacre and is happy with the storage facility. JKC to send photos of the plaques to JMacArthur
CTC to write a Vesting Letter to Midland Masonry (MM) confirming that the Stone /Plaques they are holding are our paid for property and they are just storing the prior to construction.
D.Parkes (MM) advised that their insurer had confirmed that our stone was adequately covered against damage, theft etc through (MM) insurance. D.Parkes to send a copy of the confirmation email to MS/JK
- Contractors compound.
The preferred site is at the back of the Town Hall/carpark where water is readily available. Need to draw up a plan showing footprint and keep emergency exits clear. This will mainly be for the welfare cabin. D.Mcg to let JKC have a copy of the carpark plan, JKC to draw up the site plan for the compound.
- Flag Poles.
1 x 6mtr pole ordered for use this November as a temporary siting ( managed by Streetscape)
(MM) to order the other 1 x 6mtr and 1 x 7mtr as included in the contract. CT has paid for the first flag pole and this will need to be readjusted in the overall costings.
Finance to date. |
Initial costs covered, need to keep working to try and reduce the Town Council underwrite where possible.
Contact D.Coyne re Grantfider to see if there are any other funders around we have not tried. Extra appeal in The Chronicle tied in with articles being written prior to Armistice Day Parade. Contact businesses again? |