Congleton Partnership Executive Meeting Minutes took place recently, download the full meeting minutes HERE.
Town Centre Report.
- Town Centre: The Town Centre has started to re-open. Many traders are reporting that footfall has remained low or that they are seeing new customers from the pre-covid days.
- Figures 220 total shop units, 188 Trading or which 142 are independents still giving us an occupancy rate of 85%
It has been confirmed that the Town Centre B&M will shut by the 26th of June. The two national chains that people were speculating were going to be closing on Social Media have told Martha today that there is no truth in those rumours
Other changes since the March Meeting:
12th April – outdoor hospitality re-opened with the rule of 6, along with non-essential retail, hairdressers, personnel care and libraries and community centres
17th May – indoor hospitality open (rule of 6)
Congleton Town Council joined in the Say Hi to the High Street campaign put together by the Cheshire East regen team.
Retail changes:
- Smiths Bait and Tackle has moved into the garage Motors and the premise on Lawton Street is being transformed into a Hairdressers.
- Beeches clothes shop has opened in Swan Bank where Damand was
- Three Way Travel has moved into the pedestrian area, taking the unit occupied by Gallery Hairdressers – their former premises has been sold.
- Gallery Hair Dressers has moved to Astbury
- The Hair Project Salon has open in Lawton Street where Ruby’s Fund was.
- Dorothy Perkins has closed
- Higher Ground Coffee Bar in the former Royal Bank of Scotland is due to open in July/August
- A new Wedding Shop will shortly open in the front offices of the Chronicle building
- Capitol Walk is planning to re-open in the summer.
- Barley Hops will be opening soon in the former Not Just Cards
The Makers Market is continuing on the last Saturday of the month. Discussions are underway on the location for the June market, although it is expected that it will be in the Fairground Car Park. (NOTE AUGUST JAZZ AND BLUES NEED TO KNOW LOCATION)
The Public Toilets in Market Street has closed during the renovation works of the Capital Works building. The Town Council has opened and is cleaning the Market Toilets in Princess Street on a daily basis.
Saturday 3rd July is Shops Indie Day – and we are working with the shops on a golden envelope day where there will be 10 envelopes with vouchers to use in Independent shops. Clues to their location will be via social media and the envelopes will be put out during the day
Martha Hayes is leading on the day-to-day contact with town-centre businesses.
Cenotaph Funding request.
A funding request was put to the meeting to cover additional names and a small number of amendments to the new plaques along with two further plinths at the site entrance (interpretation board and plaque for aircrew killed in local crashes)
A sum of £10K was agreed, this will not affect subgroup budgets and plans as they are over a two year financal period. (Proposed S.Foster, seconded S.Firkin and carried by vote)
The meeting ended at 6.57pm
Next Meeting is on Tuesday 7th Sepember, 5.30pm. This is a joint AGM and Exec Meeting and is currently being planned as a live meeting in the Town Hall.