Congleton Senior Forum meeting took place recently, download the full minutes HERE. Highlights from the meeting included:

Community Transport

Current situation

Currently have one minibus which caters for 8 passengers plus wheelchair and is about 8-9 years old. We have also had notification that we will be receiving a brand new minibus via a Government scheme. This will be a 16 seater community mini-bus. A Community Mini Bus is Not a public service bus and is NOT providing community transport like Dial a Ride. It can be used by groups connected to the Partnership to enable their group to get around. Can drive on a current licence if held licence for over 20 years. New licences may require extra training. Drivers must be over 30 years old and under 70 years with no more than three points on their licence.

If you wish to use the current Mini Bus please contact Andy Holland (NLC 01260 297961 ext 210) for booking and hiring administration documentation.


Senior Health Fayre 1.10.15


The event which will celebrate Older People’s Day on 1st October will be held at New Life Church from 1 to 4pm. The event is being organised by Cheshire East with support from AgeUK CE / Plus Dane.  MS to request more information from Donna Peddie (CE Engagement Officer) and to circulate to forum members.

The Senior Forum will be taking a stand at the vent, invitations are being sent out by Donna to local organisations.


Content will be discussed at the next Senior Forum.