Congleton Sustainability Group met recently via zoom, download the full meeting minutes HERE.
Congleton Green:
Congleton Green working group’s met on Thursday 23rd April (Zoom), Jackie MacArthur had invited Dan Firth to explain Sustainable Procurement principles, this proved very enlightening.
it will to some degree lead to officers and councillors relooking at the Town Council’s procurement strategy – where appropriate build in higher standards for responsible procurement such as using materials from sustainable sources, consider local purchases (less mileage), ethics of company – avoid modern slavery.
Carbon Footprint – Barry Speed updated the group on progress over the past three weeks. Now looking at the 2019/20 figures for the Town Hall. Hero Renewables to look at ways to reduce energy consumption in the Town Hall –company to meet Mark Worthington TH Manager and at the same time include Congleton Museum.
Another element within this is the public waste bins, waste collected by CTC, but the waste is not created by CTC – so although a good indicator for the carbon footprint of the town, it is questionable whether it should be included in the Town Council footprint.
It was noted that a very comprehensive paper on green issues including, Well managed Highways, Environment Strategy and Carbon Action Plan were being discussed by Cheshire East Cabinet on Tuesday 5th May. It will be very interesting to see what comes out of that. They have certainly set themselves some stretching goals. This paper was circulated to CSG members prior to today’s meeting.
Green Fayre 30th May 2020/ 31st October 2020.
We had currently 17 exhibitors and 2 car dealers having confirmed their attendance for the event planned for 30th May. This event has now been cancelled in the light of the COVID-19 pandemic.
It was felt that we should push ahead with working on the planned October 31st event with the pretext that this may be able to take place
MS to start on this over the next few weeks, and we agreed to push ahead with the Sustainable Travel element in the High St, including planned road closures. Now have 11 confirmed exhibitors, more to follow up, some not working at present. MS circulate the current spreadsheet to members. J.Mac to work on road closures once we know with some certainty that this can happen.
PA to contact the previously committed exhibitors to see if they are still happy to get involved.
May try and get stickers for the already printed flyers and poster, but will leave that until we have a clearer indication on what the future may look like before committing more expenditure. MS/ M.Hayes to action.
The Old Saw Mill .
The OSM is currently closed, has now received a £10K grant from CEBC to support us over COVID-19. This will provide some welcome respite for a few months. Possibly will open ( Government rules permitting) for small group sessions where self- isolating is not a problem Started home delivery of Apple Juice/Vinegar (3 bottle min), order by Thursday, deliveries are on Fridays. PA to collect empty bottles on the Friday run. Long term end to look for space /premises where juicing can take place. Ideally 25 square foot as a minimum that can easily be cleaned. Would need the space from early Aug to end of Nov, storage could still be at OSM. Apple supply this year looks promising if the amount of blossom is an indicator. Would be good to have a group of local/resident volunteers who could carry out Apple Pick days/ events (like litter picking/ tree planting initiatives), could handle all the apples we can get our hands-on. Ant indicated that they had been donated a Cargo Trailer which would be ideal for collecting the apples in. Next Meeting :- Tuesday 2nd June 2020, via Zoom, 6pm |