Congleton Sustainability Group met recently, download the full meeting minutes HERE.
Highlights include:
Public Events
Green Fayre planned for 29th/30th(am) October in the Town Hall. An issue has arisen and due to a double booking, the Town Hall is not now an option. There is also still a very real possibility that the Hall will be block-booked by the NHS for the booster jabs that are being planned for Sep/Oct and Nov and so would have been out of action anyway.
Options Possible – Marquee on the grass area at the back of the Town Hall. This would cost around £2000 which we would need to fundraise to cover costs. It was also felt that it may be difficult to attract people around to the site.
- Add into Makers Market event using gazebos in High St, with a road closure and possible display of Electric cars and Cycles inc The Rickshaw scheme.
It was felt that we need an urgent meeting with PA and possibly MG to take this project forward. MS to organise for w/c 12th July.
Also, include J.Mac in the discussion.
Hydro Scheme
A real success story and group to be congratulated. Archie has been has started to generate electricity in development mode and briefly in automatic mode and works as designed!
Meeting ended 11.50
Next Meeting :- Tuesday 3rd August , 6pm, via Zoom.