Congleton Sustainability Group Meeting took place recently, download the full meeting minutes HERE.
Green Fayre 31st October 2020.
At the last meeting it was felt that we should push ahead with working on the planned October 31st event with the pretext that this may be able to take place. Taking the latest guidelines into consideration it was felt that a physical event would be out of the question.
As this cannot happen as a live event, then we may look to turn it into a 1 hour webinar using Zoom.
Adam Linnet to offer support and advice to PA / MS on how we go about setting this up. Need to contact exhibitors to see if they wish to be involved. MS to action re exhibitors.
The Tree Group
AL reported that CWT had put in a bid to Northwest Forest for funds to support the drive to plant 30,000 trees. They should know if this is successful in around 2 month, match funding will then be required, this can however be in kind.
MG raised the issue of a Chronicle campaign to get residents to plant trees which we could supply (Oak, Chestnut Fruit etc.)
PA commented on the satisfaction of seeing the recent planting on Padgbury Lane starting to florish. This should help encourage now work of this kind in the autumn.
The Old Saw Mill .
Apple Juice/Vinegar (3 bottle min) home deliveries are still going okay, order by Thursday, deliveries are on Fridays.
Plan to reopen from 9am to 2pm from this week (Mon to Fri) and see how it goes. Social distancing is proving quite challenging.
Working on the Big Lunch Club scheme with St Johns and United Reformed Church. Starting Fri 10th July with between 50 to 80 meals being distributed.
Meeting ended 11.38
Next Meeting :- Tues 4th August 2020, via Zoom, 6pm