The latest Congleton Sustainability Group meeting took place on 3rd November. Highlights from the meeting are:

  • Matter Arising- Apple Juice / Cider.  PA to talk to CEBC regarding licencing if and when we start producing Cider. Looking to cap Apple Juice production to 500 bottles the rest of the juice then being turned into Cider. We have a market (including Rode Hall) and the Cider can be made by our current juicer at Dunham Massey. PA hoping to have this licence ready for Rode Hall, December market.
  •  Green Living EBA. MT is working with K.Smith ,chair of governors at EBA with a view to delivering the Green Living Presentation to some of the  students at the academy.
  •  Cheshire Show. MMW to pusue the idea of taking the Green Living story to The Cheshire Show. Carried over from last meeting.
  •  CHS Energy Leaflet Idea. MT working with CHS re the production of 200 energy leaflets, would like to use Jayne Booth’s energy poster somehow.
  •  PA to discuss with CR team as to the idea of an award for Jayne and future students who may take up one of our challenges.
  •  Item 12. Budgets 2015/16. MS prepared a paper for F&P meeting, including CSG’s budget requirements. SF has now to make a further presentation to F&P late November as to our plans and objectives for the next year.


For all the news please download the minutes here.