Congleton Sustainability Group meeting took place recently, you can read the full meeting minutes HERE.

CSG June accounts –

Lots of discussion around the Green Fayre:

Green Fayre, Saturday 30 September 2023

Planning ideas:

·        Set up a manned e-Learning Course station in the Town Hall, so that visitors can see the course on the screen, and interact with the course themselves

·        Clothes swap and Repair Café in the Town Hall

·        Events on the day – usual stalls outside

·        Friday 29 September, hold an evening event for businesses in the Town Hall with inspiring talks eg, Chester Zoo, Siemens, Brewery

·        Ask Chester Zoo to give 2 talks to children regarding their campaign for sustainable palm oil, one for primary school and one for secondary school pupils

·        Mark Thompson to give talks about cars and house-hold talks

·        We have £250 left in the kitty to spend on the green fayre

·        Have a booklet underpinning the events like we did in 2021

·        Possibly could pay for the inclusion of the booklet into the Congleton Chronicle

·        Have volunteer tree-planting sessions throughout the day