Congleton Sustainability Group meeting took place recently, download the meeting minutes HERE.
Highlights include:
Green Congleton
Peter presented a paper he had put together based on work that Frome Town Council are doing towards making Frome an independent and more environmentally sustainable town.
He highlighted individual initiatives they were taken and added (in green) how we could adapt it within Congleton.
After discussion, the following steps were agreed.
(a) Raise the idea and get buy-in at the Partnership Executive Meeting (4.6.19)
(b) Present the paper to the next Community Environment & Services Committee ( 27.6.19)
(c) Approach the relevant officer within Cheshire East to outline the actions they are taking around this subject. GW to find appropriate person
(d) To find out what plans our major employers have including power and sustainable travel. PA to discuss with D.Watson,
CEO East Cheshire Chamber.
(e) Develop a strapline.
Peter to tweak the paper by adding Air Quality paragraph. MS to circulate to CSG and have copies to handout at the Executive Meeting.
The Old Saw Mill.
High level of stock of apple juice being held currently, a big push being planned for June and July with some major events including Food and Drink Fest, Congleton Gay Pride Day, David Lewis Fayre and the usual Rode Hall and Makers Markets.
Plans to purchase the rest of the site are progressing with 2 members working with SAS Daniels. Developing the idea of a charitable trust/ share scheme. Details as things develop. Should be in place by the autumn.
Congleton Green Space Trust.
Wall is now completed, all allotments are available for use.
Community space will be available within the orchard although the fruit will not be for public consumption as it is planned to be used in Apple juice / Cider production.
Next Meeting:- Tuesday 2nd July at The Old Saw Mill at 5pm.