Congleton Sustainability Group met recently, download the meeting minutes HERE.
The Active Travel Report can be viewed HERE.
Highlights include:
Air Quality.
The group are currently working on Air Quality issues to interject with the CE consultation exercise.
It is felt that the current monitoring does not go far enough both in sites monitored and what is actually measured. CT will send a report /paper into CE to support this work CE consultation now closed and evaluation work has begun.
E.Learning Course – 80% of the updating to a digital presentation now done, should be complete by May. Councillors will then have an opportunity to access the course as planned.
Public Events
Green Fayre planned for 29th/30th(am) October in the Town Hall Covid restrictions/NHS requirements depending.
CSG to take a stall at The makers Marjet on Sat 30th Oct to support both the event and Cop26.
MS to send Green fayre 2019/20 spreadsheet to the full CSG group for information of past attendees and suggestions of who to invite this year. Member to pass suggestions to MS.
MS to contact past exhibitors for booking this year and develop a living spreadsheet of intentions/requirements.
SAS to contact CE Cllrs Nick Mannion and Quentin Abel for the support over these days.
Tree Report.
8 sites planned and consulted on, some changes made, group will revisit sites to see if any more changes need to be made.Plans to be added to the CTC website. 2571 trees recorded today, with Link Rd planting to be added. Replacement trees planted at some of last years sites. Trees/whips being purchased for next years activity while prices are competitive. Hopefully, be able to involve residents next autumn.
Next Meeting :- Monday 10th May, 10am via Zoom.