Congleton Sustainability Group meeting took place recently, please read the full meeting minutes HERE.
Highlights Include:
Dane Valley Community Energy.
Application made for a preplanning meeting.
Agreement in principal to buy the land (price agreed)
£66k grant from WRAP to support all of this early work.
7. Neighbourhood Plan.
All subgroup work finished, report is now with D.McGifford to discuss with CE Planning dept.
8.The Old Saw Mill (new official name).
Good income being generated both in room hire and the café. Meals on Wheels project is starting to be discussed and planned. Disabled toilet almost ready.
Note name change to :- The Old Saw Mill this will now become its public/community face. New dedicated website (linked to The Partnership website) being developed using the URL
Premises licence granted May 2017.
AGM for OSM planned for 29th June,7.00pm, members only can vote.
Next Meeting:-
Mon 3rd July 2017 The Old Saw Mill ,10.00am