Congleton Sustainability Group meeting took place recently, read the full meeting minutes HERE.
Active Travel meeting minutes HERE.
Congleton Eco-Schools minutes HERE.
Highlights include:
Congleton Green:
Next meeting Fri 5th March, the main item on the agenda is Air Quality. Looking to put together a spreadsheet with smart targets. Contact is made with Cheshire East regarding peat bogs/ carbon offset. E.Learning course /presentation still progressing. May look to get Morgan involved, trial runs with potential users.
Public Events
Barry felt that the COP26 event in Glasgow was an opportunity to raise public awareness around climate change issues. Highlight what we have achieved, hold a Green Fayre as close to the event as possible ( Cop 26 – Glasgow – 1 to 12 Nov) , possible link in with other events happening around the town ( Congleton park 150 years, Link Rd opening etc.). J.Mac to chase up the Link Rd idea.
PA asked if BS could get hold of any banner from any of his contact. Morgan thinks that the Art Dept at EBA may be able to produce something locally.
MS/PA to pursue the use of Jo Money’s town banner sites through the summer and close to the green fayre.
Lindo Moss, CWT to keep us informed of anything happening there that we could get involved with (A.Linnet)
Congleton Recycling Centre.
Closure of the tip was discussed and any action we could take. CTC will be discussing the situation this week, final decision to be made by CEBC on 15th march.
The issue of recycling/ reuse was raised, Ben still passionate about the Repair Shop idea, Saturdays at OSM once Covid allows. PA / J.Mac and MG to search for any examples of this around the country.
Next Meeting :- Tuesday 6th April, 6.00pm, via Zoom