The Congleton Sustainability group meeting took place recently, download the full meeting minutes HERE.
Included after the meetings are the group reports.
Highlights include:
CSG Constitution
The draft CSG constitution agreed at the previous meeting was sent to members for consideration, a couple of comments were received, one being creating standing orders for each CSG role, but the group felt it was getting too complicated and not needed. The second comment regarding behaviours was not adopted as it was thought the original wording was clearer, so no further changes were made to the constitution.
Peter suggested letting the constitution sit for a while, no need to rush into formalising them. An AGM can be called later in the year where the constitution can be formally adopted. Please see attached the CSG Constitution v0.4 which is the most current draft.
Plastic Action Group – Plastic Free Congleton
The group are hoping that 2022 will be the year that Congleton becomes an official Plastic Free Community!
15 more community spaces are required to become ‘community allies’ and remove at least 3 items of single-use plastic from their premises to complete the scheme. A community space is a school, place of worship, scout hut, community café, etc. If your community space would like to sign up, please do get in touch 😊
Heather has been approached by Wythenshawe WI to give a short talk about the group and how to reduce/avoid single-use plastics in February. Heather has also arranged to give a short talk to the Congleton West Rangers in March, alongside the students who are leading the plastic free school scheme from Eaton Bank Academy.
All new volunteers are always welcome, so please do join us if you can!
Next Meeting Tue 1 March 2022, 6:30 pm via zoom