Dementia Friendly Group meeting took place recently, download the full meeting minutes HERE.
Highlights include:
Social Prescribers – Emma Richardson.
Emma gave us a presentation on the role of SP’s the range of support offered and outlined the range of positive outcomes the work of SP’s was achieving.
The role links workers with patients to help them draw up personal plans and to address social issues in their lives and improve their health and wellbeing. They are able to connect “link” people to other services/community activities that will help patients reach their own personal goals.
Help and support around.
Social Isolation, Housing, Finance, Long Term health conditions, Confidence, Physical inactivity, Life Events etc.
This can be by The Practice, other health care professionals or even self-referral.
Outcomes. Improved Mental Health, more independence and socially connected. Generally a more active healthier person.
Gentle Activities for the Young at Heart in Congleton.
As activities start to be reactivated, we are looking to put out a Winter addition of our leaflet.
MS has contacted all of the previous event/ activity providers for a guide to when they will start up again, Debbie has collated this information and we are in a position to start work on a leaflet, for distribution in November.
If anyone is aware of any activity please let Mike/ Debbie know.
Emma /Catherine to put together a paragraph about their role which we will include in the leaflet.
Other items for consideration are:- Swap Shop, Dementia Buddy, Telephone Buddy Scheme ( Senior Forum) Dementia Friends sessions etc.
DR is running two DF refresher courses at the library on 8th Nov at 2 pm and 2.45 pm
DR to have a meeting with DC to discuss content.
Tuesday 14th December, 1.30 pm, Venue / Zoom to be confirmed.