Dementia Friendly Congleton Group met recently, download the full meeting minutes HERE.
Highlights included:
Scam Awareness and Aftercare – Sally Wilson AgeUK (Project manager)
Sally took us through a very interesting and informative presentation around current scams operating and some suggestions/advice on how to handle these situations as they arrive. The scams are currently netting around £130 Billion and aimed at the older, vulnerable and socially isolated members of our society, with very serious consequences.
Sally outlined many of the scams that are currently circulating and provide advice on how to deal with them as they arise.
The advice included how to recognise scams, block them and report them.
The full presentation will be circulated to the group for reference and sharing with any of your contacts, clients etc. that you feel would benefit from this information.
DFC / Cheshire Police Joint Project.
PCSO Karen Linton and PC Helen Weeks have been successful in obtaining a grant of £1000 to support a Congleton Dementia Project.
The Partnership has had great support from The Lions, The Town Trust, Plus Dane and Congleton Rotary with another £1000 match funding being raised. We are looking to develop a “library” package of games and activities to support people living with dementia and their carers.
A subgroup is being put together to develop the project, anyone interested please contact Diane ( copy me in) we are planning a first get together via Zoom on Wed 10th Feb at 11 am. Members already confirmed are Clare Sheard, David Morris, Liz Stubbs, Karen & Helen, Mike and Diane.
Liz to let Diane know what items are currently in her Activity Boxes. We need to find a way of reaching new people living with dementia.
Unlikely that doctors will be able to feed us with contacts, but we may be able to get referrals to us by other routes. Local press, social media, leaflet drops and social worker contacts.
Meeting finished at 3.00 pm
Next Meetings:- Wed 3rd March, 1.30 pm Via Zoom.