Congleton’s Dementia Friendly Group meeting took place recently, you can download the full meeting mintues HERE.
Highlights include:
Deborah took us through a briefing session on the Joining Forces Project run by AgeUK. The project supports any service member, their families and carers (born before 1st Jan 1950) and is funded until April 2020. They offer information, advice and support across a wide range of issues. Operating out of Macclesfield (Tues to Thurs) they cover Knutsford, Holmes Chapel, Macclesfield and Congleton, if you know of anyone who would benefit from their support give Deborah a ring.
Contact details :- Deborah Samuels 01625 612958 or emails or
Deborah also reminded us of the Dementia Day Support Service offered by ageUK. This paid for service operates in the ageuk centre Henderson St Macclesfield Mon to Fri 9.30am to 4pm. Refreshments and a two course meal are provided, transport can be arranged and a wide range of activities are offered.
For more information contact AgeUK Cheshire East on 01625 660527 or
Dementia Buddys – David Morris ( Congleton Lions)
David took us through a briefing session on a new Dementia Buddy’s Guardian Angel scheme being run in conjunction with Lancashire County Council. The scheme using technology helps to track/locate people living with dementia and who may just have wandered off and become disorientated. By wearing one of 4 items which contain the persons Christian name and their carers contact number they can quickly be reconnected with their family/carer.
The scheme is supported by the emergency services and has the potential to be read by NFC compatible mobile phones so any member of the public could help raise the alarm and start the process of getting the person safely back home.
The scheme was well received by all present and MS promised to discuss this with the Cheshire Police as to how this could operate in Congleton and will report back to the group as progress is made. David Morris indicated that The Lions wouls initially sponsor the scheme, which The Partnership may pick up as the scheme/demand grows.
You can watch a YouTube video,
Activity / Local activity brochure.
Good range of local activity now available
The next local activities leaflet is planned for March, but could be brought forward if politics get in the way.
New activities currently being planned include:- The Old Saw Mill – Sing a Longs, Wild and Wild games mornings, possible Chance to Dance session at Heathview in February ( S.Jacklin to confirm).
Wendy advised us of a tea dance at Heathview 2 to 4pm on 25th January.
Clare has seen / aware of a cycling / video system that stimulates and improves fitness for people living with dementia, initially it sounds an expensive item and would need some kind of regular home. More information can be obtained from
Lyn felt that East Cheshire Hospice may have a virtual reality room that they rent out, could Claire Halsey please confirm this
If you have any new activities to be included in the next leaflet.
Next Meeting :- Tuesday 12th March , Congleton Town Hall, 2pm to 4pm.