Hawthorne Close Green Spaces
The last date for receiving comments is Sunday 21st January 2024.
View the Proposed Planting Timetable HERE
The small green spaces near the junction of Hawthorne Close with Chestnut Drive are owned by Cheshire East Council and managed by Congleton Town Council. Both authorities support tree and hedge planting to help reduce the effects of climate change and biodiversity loss. The proposals include lengths of hedging, mini orchards and two oak trees. Since the oak trees would be planted within the year following the crowning of King Charles III they could contribute to the trees in the town marking the Coronation.
Trees for Congleton is a subgroup of Congleton Sustainability Group (part of Congleton Partnership) which aims to plant a tree or woody shrub, including hedging plants, for every Congleton resident over a period of about 6 years to help mitigate the effects of climate change. The aim of the proposed planting is to increase the value of the green space for capturing and storing carbon, to provide blossom and food for wildlife and people, add to amenity and help filter out air-borne pollutants. The general proposals are shown overleaf.
An application has been made to the Tree Council under its Branching Out Fund and, if funding is secured and the proposals are supported by a majority of the people who respond to this consultation, it is anticipated that planting will be carried out in January or February 2024 by volunteers.
All planting would be well mulched to keep down weeds until the planting is established. Volunteers would initially help with aftercare but in the long term, the planting would be the responsibility of the Town Council’s Streetscape team.
We would love local residents to become ‘friends’ of the trees and plants planted in the area, a ‘friend’ would keep an eye on the site and report any damage or problems, or indeed how the plants are flourishing! Please indicate on the form below.
Have your say!
We value your privacy. Congleton Partnership will store the data you provide on this form and use it only to contact you with an update on the consultation. Please see our Privacy Policy.
If you would prefer you can post your feedback to Congleton Partnership, Congleton Town Hall, High Street, Congleton, CW12 1BN, or leave a comment on the Trees for Congleton Facebook page.
If you would like to help, please give contact details.