During these difficult times there has obviously been a huge focus on our physical health and the guidelines to keep us safe. The other side of this, is the impact that things are having on our mental health, especially with our different ways of living, working, and family lifestyles at this current time.
Most young people have had to leave school, friends and daily routine behind, not knowing if we will go back this year, complete exams or even return to the same schools if they are transitioning. Most parents are now at home either working or taking on new roles as teachers and again being unsure of how things will be when we return to “normality”.
It is important therefore to look after ourselves both physically and mentally to maintain positive wellbeing. It is good to examine what we have control over and what we don’t and focus our attention on what we CAN do to make ourselves feel motivated and positive when everything around us can feel chaotic and different. Many people struggle with change but change does not have to mean something negative.
Here are some of the ideas that here at Visyon we are encouraging people to do:
Firstly of course is to stick with the current guidelines given to us by the government. These are our best way of stopping the spread of COVID-19 and keeping us and our families’ safe as well as the vital services around us.
Try and keep a daily routine the best way you can. Get up, get dressed, eat at meal times and exercise when and however you can. The same goes for your night time routines, go to bed at a good time and try and get a good night’s rest.
Try and do something creative, whatever that may be. Draw, paint, knit, crochet, build something, make a bird box, play an instrument, write a song, the list is endless. We can all make an excuse NOT to do these things but now most of us DO have time on our hands to try or to learn something new if we have never done it. Look online i.e. YouTube for instructional videos and you will find many. Give something a go!
Where possible spend time with other family members in whatever way you can.
– Cooking something together
– Go and start a job in the garden
– Tidy your room, if we wake up in a clean, tidy space it starts our day well
– Watch a film or series together
– Exercise together
– Make a crazy video and post it (Dance video, exercise routine, form a family band!)
– Play on a console together on a multiplayer family game (Mario kart, or Minecraft for example)
– And, if it comes to the worst, dig the board games out.
Stay connected with others where you can in a safe way. Phone relatives who may be on their own and check in with them. There are so many ways we can communicate, social media, video messaging, and texting to name a few. Make sure you follow online safety guidelines for the best use of the above or involve parents / carers if you can.
Keep your mind active with puzzles, strategy games, card games or jigsaws.
Don’t continually watch the News, reporting on social media or reading articles about the current COVID 19 situation. Limit your time you spend on this activity and try to find trustworthy sources of information
Finally, make sure you talk with others about how you are feeling and don’t keep things bottled up. Talk to family and friends or contact a helpline for support.
Visyon is still open and taking referrals on telephone: 01260 290000 text; 07508074748 and email: administration@visyon.org.uk. We are offering support through telephone calls and online groups and activities.
Visyon Telephone lines open 9-5pm Mon-Friday
Space to talk sessions available throughout the week day and evening slots available. Please give us a call so we can book a convenient time.
Our counselling and mentoring services are continuing using telephone and online facilities. We can talk to you about which method would be right for you.
A range of online activities for young people and parents– like our Instagram and Facebook pages to find out more @visyonltd.
Online friendship groups. These are small in number and invite only to create the same safe space for friendship and support that our face to face groups offered.
All information is also found on our website – www.visyon.org.uk
If you feel you need urgent support or it is outside of office hours, you can call the NHS 24 hour Crisis telephone line on 0300 303 3972. This is staffed by trained professional in your local area.
Take Care and Stay Safe,
The Visyon Team.