Cenotaph group meeting took place recently, download full meeting minutes HERE.
Old Plaques.
Listed building application has gone into C.Bailey (CEBC) w/c 26.7.21 for the siting of the old cast iron plaques within the foyer/entrance to the Town Hall. JKC to advise of planning app number once received.
Interpretation/ Information Boards.
Planning application in for both boards ( 21/3512C) . Delegate authority, decision date 12th Sept.
Both applications work in tandem with some cross-referencing once cited.
Unlikely to be built/sited prior to dedication day, will however try to site Airman’s Plaque if possible.
Information from meeting 14.7.21 (sub group)
A document outlining plans for the ceremony were circulated prior to the meeting. This indicated the plans for The parade (West St 12 noon) and the service at the cenotaph (12.30 to 13.00) with a flypast at 13.00 approx (Lancaster now added as the selected aircraft)
VIP/Sponsors reception being planned at The Town Hall (9Covid restrictions applied) from 11.00 to 12 Noon.
Invitations being printed and will be sent out by mid August.
MS to issue list of proposed invitees to the reception, other group members please feedback any other invitee suggestions to Mike before the next subgroup meeting Tuesday 17th August.
Question raised regarding videoing the event, this needs to be discussed at the next subgroup meeting.
James to take photos of the site/plaques this week, we could then use them as displays at the reception.
Tuesday 31st August, 10.00am, – via Zoom