Commenting Team

Commenting on planning applications in and around Congleton. 

Peter Minshull is our expert on Planning and Transport. He comments on CSG’s behalf regarding sustainable issues and has become a familiar figure at local meetings and enquiries on local private planning applications in and around Congleton. Peter comments on planning applications and renewals these aren’t always in the public realm.

Consultation on options for Congleton Link Road

Four potential routes have been identified for the proposed Congleton Link Road, joining the A534 Sandbach Road to the West of Congleton with the A536 Macclesfield Road to the North East of the town. A link road will have a massive impact on the town, please download Peter’s letter in Congleton Borough council will the views of CSG.

To view the proposed routes please visit Congleton Town Council.

Planning application 14/4451C Land of Manchester Road Congleton

We (CSG) generally support the principle of development of this site as it forms part of site CS 17 – Manchester to Macclesfield Road, Congleton as identified in the draft Cheshire East Local Plan. While accepting that the applicant has addressed some of the sustainability issues associated with the site we believe the applicant has failed to fully address these and other issues resulting in development with significant sub-optimal sustainability.

Planning application 14/4938c Land of Goldfinch Close Congleton

This is the response the Congleton Sustainability Group to planning application 14/4938C. We note that this application is a re-submission of application 13/3517C, which was refused permission in the CEBC letter applicant refused 14th May 2014…..We continue to object to this development and ask that you refuse permission.