Cycleway Improvement
Aim: To develop a “Traffic Free” route from the Town Centre to Congleton Railway Station and improve the Canal Towpath link from Buglawton to Biddulph Valley Way and Congleton Railway Station.
Partners:- The Congleton Partnership, Congleton Town Council, Cheshire East Council, Rivers and Canal Trust, The Congleton Cycling Campaign & Northern Rail
Situation Update:
Townsend Road through to Thames Close completed March 2014.
Link through Severn Close down onto the Canal Towpath , east towards Congleton Station. Improve the steps and cycle access to the station.
J.Mills has received a quote for towpath work from C&R (£43k) and has asked them to develop the plan further. (216mtrs at min of 2mtrs wide) Severn Close to Railway Station.
J.Mills to contact Belmont (Bromley Rd) re cycle “channel/wheel guide” for the steps from the canal to the station. Was originally quoted £13.5k +VAT
C&R . Are carrying out monthly work party events (last Friday each month ) to improve the area as a whole both vegetation and litter wise.
Glens in Bloom activity and station improvement is coming along brilliantly. Mosaics now in place on each platform, they were created by workshops at Electric Picture House.
1 Sheffield Cycle rack installed April 2015 (5 spaces)
Wheel guide rail up the steps from the canal to the station fitted by Belmont Construction, Bromley Rd, Congleton.
Canal & Rivers Trust working on having towpath refurbishment work done by end March 2015. Closure notice served, work begins w/c 9thMarch for 2 weeks.
Towpath work completed April 2015, site visit raised a small amount of snagging to be carried out, further visit will take place once snagging completed.
Cycleway signage for the link from the Town Centre to The Railway Station and the Town centre dismount signage to be erected by the end of March. Scheduled for 24.2.15
Town centre dismount signage sited and operative.
All signage now completed (just a couple of minor adjustments to make.)
Ongoing work to improve cycle access around Lawton St/ Park Lane junction. CEBC to commission a design and feasibility study on this.