Moody Street Garden
Aim: To upgrade this area to the level on the Antrobus St Gardens creating a community space.
The long term the plan is totally to upgrade this area to the level on the Antrobus St Gardens improvement. There is some S106 allocated to this currently, the idea has been accepted by the greenspace officer.
Site visit carried out in Dec, J.Byrne ( Greenspaces Officer) working on a concept design which will be ready for mid-March 2016. MS circulate when available. This will be work in progress for this year In Bloom effort.
JB let MS have draft design by end March
Draft design will be some tweaking to make the first level DDA compliant some that people in wheelchairs or mums with buggies can access the area. The table could then be sited on that level instead of the next one down. Maybe some more trellis fencing to the right-hand corner.
7th Sept MS & JMac met with Marianne Hodgkinson, Parks Development Consultant ANSA. Discuss plans and what could be achieved to make it DDA compliant and Community user-friendly. MS has contacted Chapel St Nursery who would like to get involved with their children. Will be finished in time for In Bloom 2017. New green spaces manager in place ( Ruth Morgan) she is aware of the project.
The project commenced 27th Jan.
Raised beds, new fencing and base levelled. Currently, the base is tarmac, waiting for a stone and resin finish. New seating, toddler’s picnic table and planters being sourced from Country Rustics.
Ruth Burgess is working on a planting scheme, 2 x Wildlife Mosaics being produced by Congleton Creative ( EPH)
Later plans to involve the community in bird boxes and bug hotel project to encourage wildlife into the garden. Also Food 4 Free in herb beds etc.
Project Completed, garden formally opened 12th June 2017