Projects and Finance Committee Meeting took place recently, download the full meeting minutes HERE.
Dementia Friendly Town.
New target for Dementia Friends set at 1000, currently at 805. 36 organisations/businesses are involved. We have 18 businesses that we are currently working with to improve their physical environment.
Presentation planned to businesses who have qualified for window stickers (working to become dementia friendly) after the next DFC meeting 17th Sept.
Lions pushing hard on the Dementia Buddy Scheme.
Walking Map Project.
5 Towns Partnership Project similar to the cycling map project link the 5 old Congleton Borough Towns by a safe and interesting walking route. Subgroup of ramblers and partnership chairs.
£10k received from the New Homes Bonus Scheme and the project is progressing nicely. Maps could be out by late summer, and PR /activity to launch them will be planned.
The map is in the process of being printed, mock-up passed around the meeting as an example. Meeting next week to discuss the siting of Wayfinder Markers and Publicity/ Grand Opening. SF report back.
Health and Wellbeing Fayre 1.10.19
We now have close on 50 exhibitors across a very wide range of offerings. Leaflets and posters are printed but PR will not start until late August at earliest. Funding support received from The Town Trust (£300) and The Enclosure Trust (£300)
An event is a free event with light refreshment provided, freebies and information for the whole mix of our residents. PR in place.
Connected Communities Centres
Generally, it was felt that new activity coming to the centre somewhat disappointing, PA reported that OSM were still only getting DWP and talking Therapies (which they already had) and one Blood Pressure Session. Maybe a result of our Partnerships / Centre be well developed in the first place.
Centres have had the digital TV delivered but nothing linked up at present. There is a meeting planned for next week, but both PA and GW will be away. GW to try and get it rearranged.
Our new councillors became concerned that the constructor may not meet our completion date so the project has been deferred until 2020. Construction will start w/c 20th April and finish around late July. Dedication events is planned for Sunday 13th September including a Great Wars Exhibition. More information as the project moves on. Still, need to look at ways of raising more funds ideas put to the meeting where Direct Debit payments, Thermometer on-site to see what is still required and a Noticeboard explaining the plans and ask for funding support. Report back to the group at the next meeting.
750 Year Celebrations
JM / JMac to had a discussion with Sue Dale re her ideas for celebrating Congleton’s Charter 750th year in 2022 and an overview of what happened during the 700th year celebrations.
This was a major event that was a good 10 years in the planning.
Jo putting together a group together to do some realistic planning and will be asking for interested parties to come forward (press release in The Chronicle). Diane commented on work that The Museum is starting on this and agreed to get involved.
Date and Time of the next meeting.
Monday 11th November , Campbell Suite 9.30am