Congleton Partnership Projects & Finance Committee meeting took place recently, download the full meeting minutes HERE.
Projects – Current.
A very successful dedication event was held on 19.9 21, well supported by invited guests and the general public alike.
The two planning applications have now been approved by Cheshire East.
- Two plinths at the entrance to the cenotaph site for an information board and airmen’s plaque.
- Old plaques to be displayed in The Town Hall foyer.
JKC is working with Midland Masonry to progress these items. Once completed the final quality signoff will be actioned and final payment made. CP (plinths/fees) CTC (Town Hall foyer work)
Dementia Group – PCSO Project.
Over 80 gift packs circulated to residents and care homes using data /support from the 3 practices and Bear Necessities article. Good feedback received, and some referrals to agencies made.
A full detailed report as been issued to both P & F and Exec \members, it also appears on The Partnership website.
Swap shop project launched 18th November. A joint project between The Partnership and Congleton Library.
New Local Activity leaflet (Winter 2021/22) completed and distributed.
Tree Project.
Close on 9000 trees, shrubs and hedgerow plants now planted with potential sites being highlighted/ consulted on for autumn planting. Looking at trees that need replacing because of failure. Working with CWT to build relationships with local farmers to find space and funding to support the project. Winter 2021 programme of work started 20.11.21, full list of activity circulated to the group. All trees and equipment ordered, funding support of just over £2500 coming from The Tree Council once the programme has been completed and a full report made to them.
Elizabeth’s Group
Thanks to The Denise Coates Foundation and a very generous grant the cost of the statue has been raised. A Marquette has been produced, and looks very striking. A planning application has gone in to CEBC with a view to the statue being in situ for the planned March 8th 2022 celebration event. Men in shed making items to be used on the day in the town centre, Jo Money contacting schools re 750 year celebration and will look to incorporate something around the statue event.
Date and Time of the next meeting.
Meeting ended 11.42 am
Next Meeting TBC