The Projects and Finance Committee meeting took place recently, please download the full meeting minutes HERE.

Highlight’s included:

New Project Ideas.

Community Orchard Accessibility.

Pathway, Signage, Improve accessibility. Partnership working with In Bloom / Astbury Mere Trust /CEBC rangers. P.Pinto and M.Axford working on design and costs.

Cycle Shelters.

This is being picked up by Phil Mason CEBC Environmental. 1 shelter to be sited at or near the Library, other sites to be considered. No action required currently by The Partnership.

Heritage / Bear / Town Walk Trails.

P.Aston to chair this through, also to involve Congleton Museum. The Every Step Counts trail map is a good place to start. P.Pinto looking to incorporate a gardens trail. Trail map to be sited on one side of the town destination boards.

Car Park Destination Maps / Signage. Get Involved Booklet.

Jackie showed the meeting a selection of maps currently being used. Price ranges from £2k to £3k for the artwork. Possible approach EPH artist as an alternative designer. Looking at 5 sites, boards cost around £1.5k each (double sided) Jackie to find out about the requirement for planning permission. A project cost / proposal to be put together, Glen Williams will then take to Cheshire East.

Moody Street Green Area.

Once Antrobus St Gardens is completed there should be some S106 money left to refurbish the Moody St ‘green area’ up to Antrobus St Gardens standard. Partnership to work with CEBC (Julie Byrne) on this.

Mountbatten Way – Green Boulevard.

BE suggested this project to remove the railings and create a green boulevard. BH to discuss the idea with David Brown. This will now be raised at the Public Realm meeting 28.9.15

Youth Hub / Transport.


Youth Hub.

This subject is currently on the backburner.


Transport/ Mini Bus.

Issues regarding long term admin and parking/storage being dealt with (may have a second bus soon) currently.

New bank account being opened at Natwest as a standalone minibus account. We can then start invoicing organisations for usage and also promote the scheme.

Monday 23rd November, Spencer Suite , 9.30am