We must do all we can to keep the countryside special and open to all. It is a living working place when all is said and done.
“As I am sure you will have been hearing, the current situation is causing a lot of issues for local landowners around Congleton: residents are taking their outdoor exercise in the locality which is great, but unfortunately, the sheer numbers and the unfortunate irresponsibility of a small percentage of users of public rights of way and countryside sites are causing issues. The issues include dog mess and human waste, trespass, trampled crops and interference with fences. Tensions are, understandably, high on both sides and confrontation between users and landowners has been occurring.
I write to ask if you would consider spreading the word about responsible access via your web/social media channels. We have been doing that throughout the current situation, but if we could spread the word wider, that may be beneficial. Our advice for users and landowners has been collated from national guidance and is available on our webpages. We have one for public rights of way and a more generic one for users of the wider countryside. If you have the means to promote the second of these, that would be appreciated.”
Genni Butler, Acting Public Rights of Way Manager, Cheshire East Council