The latest meeting of the Senior Forum took place recently, download the full meeting minutes HERE.


Highlights included:

Senior Health Fayre 1.10.15.

 Please find below a report received from Usman Ashiq:-

I’ve sent the stats for the event to Mike Smith. I can report that we had a good turnout from residents and a good variety of organisations in attendance that provided a range of information and advice. Feedback was well received and we are hopeful of running a similar event next year and would welcome everyone to be part of the planning process. The event this year was organised by Plus Dane, Cheshire East Council and Age UK Cheshire East. Funding was a big barrier initially however Cheshire East kindly funded in excess of £600, Age UK was successful in gaining sponsorship from Siemens and Pus Dane paid for the marketing and promotional materials. The main aim of the event was to highlight what health and wellbeing services were available to senior residents. Every year we tend to do something different so next year’s event could have specific themes which I believe should tie into current priorities of the GP’s, NHS CCG’s and the local communities to help insure that senior residents are aware of key health and wellbeing services.”

Members also reported favourably and the general consensus was for running another event next year. MS to send out a copy of Usman’s report with these minutes

V.Lockett to contact Donna Peddie (CEBC)  and L.Malkin (Everybody Leisure) re support and a venue (Leisure Centre suggested).

Next Meeting 12th Jan 2016