Congleton Senior Forum meeting took place recently, download the full meeting minutes HERE.

Highlights include:

Dementia Steering Group Plans.
Dementia Friends Awareness Sessions.
Need to broaden the scope of organisations/ people going through Dementia Friends awareness sessions.
Create a signing in sheet to record attendance/ information so that we can build up a picture of success/ numbers achieved.
Programme in hand to cover WI, MP & Staff, Lawton house Surgery, MS has contacted Readesmoor. Need to contact the hubs to see if they want any sessions. Also look at Schools and Uniformed organisations (Scout, ATS,Brownies etc)
Events/Activity Programme.
Programme is growing slowly, Mon / Tuesday currently blank days.
Need ideas to support the Wednesday PM sessions at The Old Saw Mill, MS looking at some art provision, Johnny could do a session on One You Cheshire, Library Memory Boxes, Jill Cox EOLP, Sing a long sessions (S.Jacklin to follow this up),Dancing etc.


Senior Health And Wellbeing Fayre – Tuesday 16th Oct 2018
Focus on Connected Community Hubs and Dementia as the theme for 2018 Fayre.
Use main hall only, tea / cakes at the stage area to entice people to visit as many of the exhibitors as possible.
MS discuss with Dan Coyne and Mark Gleave.
Sub Group :- MS, Sarah Jacklin, Anna Bignell, Johnny Gorman and either Dan Coyne or Mark Gleave.
Next meeting Tuesday 27.3.18. Full Senior Forum, will then set up subgroup meeting dates.


Next Meeting:- Tuesday 27th March, 3.00pm Spencer Suite, Town hall.