by Cong@Ches5919P | Aug 10, 2021 | Sustainability
Congleton Sustainability Group met recently, download meeting minutes HERE. Highlights include: Climate Festival and Green Fayre Large number of changes from the last meeting. Green Fayre will now be held in the closed High Street on Saturday 30th October from 10 am –...
by Cong@Ches5919P | Apr 16, 2021 | Sustainability
Congleton Sustainability Group met recently, download the meeting minutes HERE. The Active Travel Report can be viewed HERE. Highlights include: Air Quality. The group are currently working on Air Quality issues to interject with the CE consultation exercise. It is...
by Cong@Ches5919P | Aug 8, 2020 | Sustainability, The Old Saw Mill
Congleton Sustainability held a meeting via zoom recently, download the full meeting minutes HERE. Highlights include: Congleton Green. Meeting held 23rd July, minutes circulated to all CSG Members. Carbon footprint baseline produced for the Town Council, 10 areas...
by Cong@Ches5919P | Jul 8, 2020 | Sustainability
Congleton Sustainability Group Meeting took place recently, download the full meeting minutes HERE. Green Fayre 31st October 2020. At the last meeting it was felt that we should push ahead with working on the planned October 31st event with the pretext that this may...
by Cong@Ches5919P | May 7, 2020 | Sustainability
Congleton Sustainability Group met recently via zoom, download the full meeting minutes HERE. Congleton Green: Congleton Green working group’s met on Thursday 23rd April (Zoom), Jackie MacArthur had invited Dan Firth to explain Sustainable Procurement principles, this...