by Cong@Ches5919P | Nov 16, 2021 | News & Events
Congratulations to the Congleton in Bloom team! Congleton In Bloom retains its GOLD status in the North West in Bloom competitions. The town has also had the honour and challenge of representing the North West in the national finals of Britain in Bloom on several...
by Cong@Ches5919P | May 21, 2019 | News & Events, Sustainability
Congleton Sustainability Group meeting took place recently, download the full meeting minutes HERE. Air Quality At the last CSG we were told we had been misled by exaggerated press reports into believing that there had been deliberate falsification of Cheshire East...
by Cong@Ches5919P | Jul 16, 2018 | News & Events, Sustainability
Congleton Sustainability Group meeting took place recently, download full meeting minutes HERE. Highlights include: Plastic. Barry’s paper was circulated to the group. Barry felt that the main way plastics could be getting into the ocean from UK is by using the wrong...
by Cong@Ches5919P | Nov 7, 2017 | Sustainability
Congleton Sustainability Group meeting minutes, download the full meeting minutes HERE. Highlights include: Dane Valley Community Energy. No real change from the last meeting. Still waiting for wall renovation to take place. Issue around Derwent Engineering and when...
by Cong@Ches5919P | Jul 5, 2017 | Sustainability
Congleton Sustainability Group meeting took place recently, download the full meeting minutes HERE. The Old Saw Mill (new official name). 14 people attended the AGM (29th June) MS to circulate the management report presented at that meeting. 4 Key areas for the future...