Youth Forum meeting took place recently, download the full meeting minutes HERE.
Member updates (brief)
Cheshire Police ( H.Weeks)
Safe Project. Working with June Maddock. There is a new group just starting, with one or two returnees. Some real success achieved with positive feedback from both parents and schools.
UK Youth Parliament ( J Maddock) We currently have 7 candidates working towards sitting on the UK Youth Parliament. 2 will be selected to go forward, selection closes on 14th February.
Friends for Leisure ( Lizzie & Lisa) Celebrations being planned to mark the groups 25th anniversary. 19th Feb, 5k Walk, Queens Park, £5 entry fundraiser. Summer 300k Cycle ride to Paris, open to all to name but two of the activities.
Community Projects ( Jo Money) Putting together an update on the “Getting Involved”
Jo will be putting out call for updates from the groups included and new groups that may have now formed.
2022 – 750 new celebration of Congleton. Sub group being put together all welcome to join. Jo to contact Alex Thompson ( CeCP) re getting schools involved / onto their curriculum.
Bromley Farm Youth Club ( G.Williams) This is going well, a few trips and one residential planned for 2020. Some success at the recent Youth Awards Event, with one member receiving a Duke of Edinburgh special award. Another member is on the Congleton lions Youth Award scheme. Dec Xmas event sponsored by Tesco was a great success.
Olympic Themed Event – Saturday 11th July- Congleton Park.
Patsy (Graham) To look at what she can pull together linked to building and construction eg
Tetrahedron building activity, making things with straws.
Jo Money knows a Fairman who has a beach/ sandpit ( Beach Volley Ball)
Chalk it up – GW to talk to Head of Culture ( Helen Paton) about the Crewe event.
GW / JM to go to Kodi and Millie’s next student school council to discuss the whole idea and see what commitment to organise the day they can get from students. Caroline to let Glen have the dates.
Liz Griffen happy for this to also be carried out at EBA.
Wed 11th March, Congleton High School TBC. 3.30pm to 5.30pm