Inclusive Play Equipment
Aim: We believe children should be able to play side by side irrespective of their perceived ability, we want to install in Congleton Park a wheelchair accessible inclusive roundabout with a seat & scooter.

UPDATE: NOV ’22 – Great news we have hit our fundraising target! Thanks to all our backers. We now move into the delivery stage of the project. All funds from the crowdfunding have been transferred back to Congleton Partnership, we will be working with Sutcliffe Play to install the roundabout.
Congleton Park is the main park for children in the area and is loved by many children but there is currently no wheelchair-accessible play equipment, we want to put this right!
This inclusive wheelchair roundabout can accommodate a wheelchair and carers. Two users can sit and more can stand if they choose to do so. The wide central space facilitates a range of wheelchairs. Bump stops on both sides give a position to apply the wheelchair roundabout brakes. The ‘roll on roll off’ design enables users to exit in a forward position. Children can stand on the scooter using their outer foot they can propel the roundabout with ease.
A lime green edge acts as a visual indicator for partially sighted users. A curved seat with a powder-coated frame and backrests enables 2 users to sit. Due to the bearing mechanism used this roundabout is free running for over two minutes. This gives users the chance to enjoy the experience rather than push all the time. More speed, more fun!
What we’ll deliver:
- Wheelchair accessible inclusive roundabout with a seat & scooter
- Removing existing paving slabs and installation
Why it’s a great idea:
Every playground should have play equipment for all children, play is beneficial for children of all ages and if a child has a disability, outdoor play can be so important. If a child has a disability their options can be limited, inclusive play equipment increases confidence, helps to improve social skills, can improve physical and mental health. It’s important for families with disabled and able-bodied children to be able to play together, this piece of equipment provides fun for all children and carers/parents – fun for the whole family! It also helps children to make positive relationships and learn not to bully or discriminate. Children learn through play, providing an inclusive supportive environment should be the top aim for any play facility.
Steps to get it done:
- Instruct contractor to deliver the project and obtain an estimated time frame
- Construction work
- Installation
- Opening the equipment/promotion
How do pledges work?
A pledge can be from £2 upwards, pledges can be made via BACS (bank transfer minim is £50), debit cards and direct debit. A Spacehive account will be created. The pledge is held in an account with Stripe (payment processor) once the target is reached the money will be transferred to the Project organiser (Congleton Partnership) to deliver the project. If the target is not reached and the project can’t go ahead the pledges will be refunded in full to the backer.
How can you help?
If you/your organisation can make a pledge that would be fantastic, I am also looking for key groups/businesses/individuals who you know who would be keen to back this kind of project.
I would also love to speak to any local families with wheelchair users who would be happy to share their experiences. Please contact
If you would be happy to share with your networks that would be wonderful.