Trees for Congleton – Completed Sites

Stirling Close 



This green space, occupying an elevated tongue of land between Stirling Close and the River Dane to the north, is a neighbourhood nature reserve consisting of a linear former field bounded by overgrown hedgerows or woodland.  The very narrow northern half of the site has become overgrown with blackthorn.  The southern half is a meadow with a central group of trees, planted about 20 years ago.

A small orchard, funded by the William Dean Trust, was planted in 2023 by Trees for Congleton volunteers, together with areas of wild flower planting.  There is scope for better management of the site, including removal of invasive or inappropriate species, coppicing and hedgelaying, but limited scope for further new planting.


Planting benefits

  • Orchard for food, amenity and wildlife
Stirling Close orchard


Once new planting is established, generally after one year, it is handed over to Congleton Town Council’s Streetscape team which already looks after green spaces in the town.  Cheshire East Council (Ansa) may also be involved, working alongside our Town Council team. Fruit trees are pruned by volunteers. It is appreciated that many residents help by picking litter when visiting the green space. 

Further assistance will be needed on removal or reduction of the blackthorn scrub that has overgrown the northern part of the site – this is under consideration.

Would you like to be a friend of Sterling Close green space?

We would love local residents to become ‘friends’ of the trees and plants planted in the area. A ‘friend’ would keep an eye on the site and report any damage or problems, or indeed how the plants are flourishing!  As one of the Town Council’s 30 Biodiversity Sites any information on wildlife or suggestions for enhancement would be welcomed.  Please fill in the form below with your contact details and a member of the team will be in touch.

Tick to confirm you want to be a friend of Stirling Close

Get Involved………

If you have been inspired by what you have read, want to volunteer or join the Congleton Partnership…….we are waiting to hear from you!

11 + 2 =

Congleton Town Hall High Street CW12 1BN

01260 270350 Ex 7