The Projects and Finance Committee meeting took place recently download full minute HERE.
Highlights include:
New Project Ideas.
Community Orchard Accessibility. (£1500 allocated)
Steps, Fruit Bush / Tree planting complete/ New Apple Core carving done, some possible cleaning of other carvings.
New signage being produced for both ends of the bridle way and off West Rd ( Mereside Ave)
Currently well within budget.
Heritage / Bear / Town Walk Trails.(£2500 allocated at present)
We have found around 150 sites that we would like to highlight (PA/ ID), not sure that they would all fit on a MAP, so looking at other alternatives.
Tim McCloud to present to the Executive Meeting 7th June re a town App idea.
Car Park Destination Maps / Signage. (Silvermaze)
Designs agreed, Cheshire East happy with the sites. New material being investigated, signs should be in place for In Bloom activity. JMac still discussing some funding support with Cheshire East.
Moody Street Green Area.(S106 funding )
Draft design drawn up and will be included in the In Bloom portfolio, refurbishment likely to be Spring 2017. Jo Money to work with schools re having some young people’s input.
Mountbatten Way – Green Boulevard.
Pilot area 2 Bears roundabout to Traffic Lights Market St.
Quote of £805 received from Simon Davies for removing railings, refurbishing the surface and traffic management. MS has contacted Simon re going ahead with the project for completion before 25th July. Also discussed with Ruth Burgess the need to link up with Simon so that the planters and trees go in at the same time whilst the partial road closure is in operation.
Play Area Signage
MS currently working with CEBC (G.Butler/J.Byrne) re signage to highlight our major play areas. No funding requirement as yet. Would plan to turn this project into both signage and paper map project long term.
Look to develop a specific site branding project around this through local schools, Jo Money to look at developing this.
Congleton Sports Trust.
Following D.McGiffords presentation to the Executive and its agreement to support the scheme in whatever way it can this has now been added to the new project list. May initially involve some time from MS on administration.
Constitution written and issued to various clubs for their feedback. Initial meeting has been held (10th May) various parameters discussed / agreed. Initially Rugby and Football with a view to broadening into other sports as the Trust develops.
Date and Time of the next meeting.
Tuesday 26th July 2016, Town Hall, Spencer Suite, 9.30am