The Congleton Partnership Executive meeting took place recently, the full meeting minutes HERE.

Highlights include:

Congleton Partnership – The Way Forward (Dec 2021) – PA

Peter took us through a presentation on the way forward for the Partnership (a copy will come out with these minutes.

He started by reminding us of the aims of The Partnership, congratulated us on the work we have done, but know believes we should refocus in these times of change. Articulate a new regeneration strategy, that is kind to our natural environment and with a clear path towards carbon neutrality in all our homes, schools, farms and businesses by 2030.

Peter had spend time recently meeting a large number of Exec Members gathering their thoughts and views on how we should move forward and now proposes ideas on how we can do so.

This will come in the guise of an Oversight Group, made upof the sub group chairs and Town Council representative to oversee the vision and its delivery, manage the CTC/Partnership boundaries and finance.

  • We may need to spend the next 12 months working in small groups to put meat on the bones of the vision and objectives while doing quick stuff.
  • New areas and relationships will need to be worked on, new funding streams sort and develop a volunteer structure that will give support and hope to all Congleton residents.
  • We could start by looking at some of the long standing issues around the town, review the 2008 Town Centre Plan and Delivery Plan ( , talk to the CTC Business Group, Chamber of Commerce etc. to learn more about their ideas, challenges and plans for the future.
  • Mac to look at making these plans available to view at the Town Hall/CIC


Group reports.


Mike circulated the minutes of the recent Projects and Finance committee prior to the meeting.


Youth Forum –  G.Willams  

Recent YF meeting poorly attended although some good leads/ contacts were developed. Not an easy time for face to face meetings.

Look to call a meeting early 2022 , main issues to include Mental Health, Work and Social Experiences , Activity based Projects.

Congleton Pride – R.Walton

Going from strength to strength, increase in members (30) plus 1000 followers on facebook.

Successful AGM’s held, new management team in place.

Whole raft of activities planned inc:- Santa Sleigh Biddulph, Vale Club Xmas party / fundraiser, Valentines Ball in February, Pride fest at Glebe Farm on Easter weekend. Good outreach programme in place.

Sustainability Group – P.Aston / Heather Seddon

Peter introduced Heather Seddon as the new Chair of CSG. Heather comes with a wealth of experience around the environment and sustainability, with a desire to drive towards Congleton’s Carbon Neutral goal.


Hydro Scheme.

With the Hydro Scheme now producing power the recent heavy rains have produced maximum power generation on the plus side, but with constant unblocking of the debris protection grills on the downside.

Green Fayre / Climate Festival Week.

Very successful event, will be repeated in 2022 (September). Proved we need to learn more about all aspects of sustainability.

OSM – Xmas lunches.

Xmas lunches now being served, delivered and a Xmas Day event in planned in the OSM for which we are getting good volunteer and sponsor support.

In Bloom / RHS.

Bob Edwards advised us of the RHS new policy of more sustainable planting and that the In Bloom Team will look to work more closely with CSG to find the best way to deliver this in the long term.


Creative Congleton – Petra Lea (New chair)

No report received. There is currently a Xmas art exhibition and sale being held at Spindle St Centre.


Elizabeth Group – S.Munroe.

Sue reported great progress with the planning application now being considered by CEBC, the staue is being cast in the next few days and plans for the launch event developing. The group could do with a few more volunteers to help deliver this day.

Dementia Friendly Congleton – D. Ritherdon

The Swap Shop activity in the library is now up and running, with Twiddle Muffs being the main item of interest. Good support in producing these being received from various sources.

The new activity leaflet has been produced and being circulated, more activities coming on stream as clubs/ events start up again. Full report is featured on our website (

Senior Forum – Suzy Firkin.

The Congleton centric Telephone Befriending Scheme with Chaning Lives Together is now up and running.

Working closely with Social Prescribers

Could we organise that the Telephone Befriending flyer to go out with the OSM meals.

We are now starting to work with The Talking Newspaper with a view to extending their network of users.

Wellbeing Fayre planned for Tuesday 29th March, we already have close on 30 exhibitors booked and will chase up others at the start of the new year.


The meeting ended at 7.16pm

Next Meeting is on Tuesday 1st March 2022  TBC