Congleton Sustainability Group met recently, download meeting minutes HERE.

Highlights include:

Climate Festival and Green Fayre

Large number of changes from the last meeting. Green Fayre will now be held in the closed High Street on Saturday 30th October from 10 am – 4pm. Around 30 stalls as well as active travel and electric vehicles and other stalls demonstrating green solutions. Building on the success of the 2019 event. Will also be a Climate Festival showcasing a wide range of businesses and green events such as talks, walks, films, tours. Actively want to encourage anyone with a green story to tell to get involved.  Group understands the need to advertise widely. Keen to encourage lots more people to get involved. Need the list of activities by early September for publicity purposes. Also looking to produce a guide that includes the itinerary for the week as well as tips for living greener (based on Heather’s submitted list).

Trees for Congelton


Trying to ensure those planted trees are able to survive. Looking at funding and permissions for more planting in the autumn. Particularly looking for local farmers and landowners willing to allow trees and hedges to be planted on their land. Funding is available to farmers/landowners.


  1. As with the rest of the country, Covid restrictions have curtailed any projects.
  2. Planted areas:

Continued to maintain (weed, feed, litter pick, prune, plant, sow) our plots and gardens, with most time spent on our Capitol Walk garden of perennial edibles/plants for pollinators, and some time on the library shrubberies that we replanted in Nov 2019 for pollinators.

The Capitol Walk arcade was sold earlier in the year, and the premises include our garden area.  The new owners (who have renamed the building Capital Walk) initially said they planned to level the ground for a seating area, but have now said that we can continue gardening on the site.

  1. Publicity:

Facebook interaction continued when there are photos, videos and news items regarding our group’s activities and planted areas. See

Funding is being sought for a second explanatory sign for the Capitol Walk garden, to be placed at the top of the library ramp.

We have discovered that the smaller silver birch in the Capitol Walk garden was planted in Jan 2007 by town councillors Douglas Parker and the late Margaret Williamson, marking Congleton’s award for Best Kept Town (presumably 2006), in a competition run by Cheshire Community Action.  Patti is hoping to organise a plaque for the tree, to show its significance to the town.


Meeting ended 7.28pm

Next Meeting :- Please note there is no meeting planned for September, the next meeting will be:-

Mon 4th October via Zoom at 10.00am.