Congleton Sustainability Group Meeting took place recently, download the full meeting minutes HERE.

Highlights include:

Green Fayre:
Following the success of the first Green Fayre, we are planning to run two events during 2020. Both planned to coincide with the Makers Market on Saturday 30th May and Saturday 31st October.
The event will run from 10am to 3pm with an extra element of either talks or a film show.
Please come to the CSG Meeting on 6th Jan with ideas on what we do on the day, what are the gaps and who we should involve.
Issue for thought:-

Cheshire East (get in early/ more representation)
Congleton Town Council.
14-year-old speaker Ester Bird from Macclesfield. (BS to discuss with her reopening the event along with the mayor)
Film – An Inconvenient Truth, Al Gore (1hr 36 mins) Need to find a shorter film.
Handout to take away.
MS circulate Olga’s Climate action paper
Get more involvement from schools

MS to discuss with J.Mac re Electric Car/ Scooter event in the pedestrian area / MS to check out the legality of electric scooters and the highway.
Electric Scooter. |They are classed as a vehicle and are not legal for highway use in the UK. See report from BBC news enter “How safe is electric scooters” you will find a reasonably full report there, as recent as 15th July this year.

A working group chaired by Matt Axford is up and running.
Ruth Benson and Ruth Burgess are working on design/permissions for 3 areas (Quinta Play Area / Padgbury Lane and Marshall Grove. Application for funding being presented at Partnership Meeting 3.12.19.
Joint activities to be planned Partnership/CSG, Cheshire Wildlife Trust and residents. Wildlife Trust happy to run one-day local events as required.
To deliver the plan to site/plant 30,000 trees will mean looking outside of Congleton and involving the parishes.
Air quality. MS to send out a presentation on AQ by Nick Kelly Cheshire East when he visited CSG in April this year. PA to invite him to come along to a future meeting to update us on progress made.


Dane Valley Community Energy.
Timing now established: Tree removal Nov to Mar; Boardwalk Nov to Mar; Prospectus issue Feb 2020, share offer closure end Mar 2020; Screw order Apr 2020; Construction Aug > Nov 2020, Commissioning Dec 2020. As reported at the last meeting.
Need to raise £580K for a viable / live project.
Note tree replanting will take place once build has finished.

Next Meeting:- Tuesday 6th Jan, 6.30pm, The Old Saw Mill.