Dementia Friendly Group meeting took place recently, the full meeting minutes can be downloaded HERE.
Highlights include:
Dementia Friends – Business Development.
Chris has a programme of businesses to approach / contact as both follow up to DF sessions and totally new contacts. (Will send out a document with the minutes that indicates these).
Physical Environment Check / Window Sticker award. Need a written down criteria, although the feeling around the group was that a DF session for their staff and some ongoing activity / one improvement could be enough to indicate a commitment to the cause and warrant a sticker. It was felt that we need to get this off the ground to encourage more to come on board. Chris to work with Wild and Wild to this effect.
Activity / Local activity brochure.
Good range of local activity now available.
The next local activities leaflet is planned for March but could be brought forward if politics get in the way.
New activities currently being planned include:- The Old Saw Mill – Sing a Longs, Wild and Wild games mornings, possible Chance to Dance session at Heathview in February ( S.Jacklin to confirm).
Wendy advised us of a tea dance at Heathview 2 to 4 pm on 25th January.
Clare has seen / aware of a cycling/video system that stimulates and improves fitness for people living with dementia, initially it sounds an expensive item and would need some kind of regular home. More information can be obtained from
Lyn felt that East Cheshire Hospice may have a virtual reality room that they rent out, could Claire Halsey please confirm this
If you have any new activities to be included in the next leaflet.
Dementia Week 20 to 26th May.
Items discussed:-
21.5.19 – DF session Congleton Library (daytime Sue / Sarah)
23.5.19 – DF session Museum (Diane Evening)
25.5.19 – Stall at Makers Market ( SM to contact JMac re booking a site- S.Jacklin said she could support this event, volunteers needed 10am to 4pm
Next Meeting :- Tuesday 14th May , Congleton Town Hall, 2pm to 4pm.