Cenotaph group meeting took place recently, download the full meeting minutes HERE.

Highlights include:

Congleton Town Council has now agreed to an under-write of up to £100,000 (£10,000 previously approved and last week approved a further £90,000 – this is on the understanding that funding and applications to trusts will continue. DMcG handed a copy of the Council financial regs and raised issues around Council procurement.

Payphone removal.
The group agreed that J.Carter progress the removal of the payphone currently adjacent to the site. Could take up to 20 weeks, payment due once removal is complete.

Names / Decorations / Regiments
All 14 plaques were checked for accuracy before final confirmation was sent to Stones of Weymouth.
Type size was agreed, some positions altered for aesthetic reasons. Where there was a duplication of names regiment information was added to distinguish one person from another. MS to put together a brief explaining the criteria for names being on the cenotaph, how they were collected and a disclaimer for error or liability. MS circulate to the group for comments before making public.

Next Meeting
Monday 1st April 1.30pm to 3.00pm, Spencer Suite