The latest meeting of the Projects and Finance Committee took place on 16th March. Download the full minutes HERE for all the news!
Funding Requests.
Funding requests were sent out to members before the meeting for information.
Copies of previous funding support and outcomes awarded to The Youth Forum were also sent out and loaded onto the website.
Requests were received from :- The Youth Forum, CCP, Congleton Creative and CSG, the decisions were as follows:-
Youth Forum. Support for Youth Celebration Day, Hankinson’s Field/ Congleton Leisure Centre, 11th July. £1000 awarded.
EPH/CCP. Contribution to the development of a Community Index (Youth / Senior Forum sections) and Full Page Advert for The Partnership (Back Cover)
£500 awarded.
Congleton Creative. Contribution towards the Hidden Places Event to be held in 4 locations within Congleton on 16th May. £500 awarded.
Congleton Sustainability Group -Apple Juice. To purchase both a fruit juicer and press to be used in schools and community events. Currently they loan equipment from various sources.
£335 awarded.
All parties have been advised and issued with a ‘terms and condition ‘ document.
There was a further 5 requests put in by The Youth Forum totalling £3500, as this would take us above the P&F Committee remit, MS was asked to send these out to The Partnership Executive for consideration. Once their replies have been received a straight majority decision will be made and appropriate action taken.