The Projects and Finance Committee meeting took place recently, read the full meeting minutes HERE.

Highlights include:

Tree Project.


Close on 9000 trees, shrubs and hedgerow plants now planted with potential sites being highlighted/ consulted on for autumn planting. Looking at trees that need replacing because of failure. Working with CWT to build relationships with local farmers to find space and funding to support the project.

Elizabeth’s Group

Thanks to The Denise Coates Foundation and a very generous grant the cost of the statue has been raised. A Marquette has been produced and looks very striking. A planning application has gone in to CEBC with a view to the statue being in situ for the planned March 8th 2022  celebration event.

Destination Maps.

Jackie still progressing the pedestrian area sitting on the freestanding map/board. The possible site near cycle rack/ phoneshop, Working with CEBC and Nature Signs, funding is in place. No change.

Green Fayre and Climate Festival.

An 8-day Climate Festival and Green Fayre is being planned for the last week in October. Subgroup working on a selection of events/ talks/ tours/activities culminating on a Green Fayre and a possible plant swap. PR material is being put together to support the event, which will also play a part in creating awareness for the COP26 event in Glasgow at the beginning of November.

 Budget update & Funding Request

The budget sheet was circulated prior to the meeting.

Income plus opening balance – £77991

Expenditure                            – £11177

Balance held in account         – £66814

Funding request.  SECCAG. Request for £500 to fund a reprint of “ Lets go Cycling in South east Cheshire” map and guide. The map is now 4 years old and the addition of the link road and various Sustrans alterations makes it less viable. This is the most requested map in CIC.

The group agreed in principal and will support the request providing the other Town Partnership do likewise. Money to come from the Air Quality Budget.