Projects and Finance committee meeting took place recently, download the full meeting minutes HERE.


Partnership Executive Make up.

Following recent political, local trust and community changes a review of membership was discussed.

It was agreed that MS would write to Bob Edwards to see if he wished to stay with The Partnership.

JM to discuss with David Daniel his position.

The new representative for The Inclosure Trust (replacing John Beardmore) is Janet Goodier, Jo to get me her contact details.

P.Bates, role is no longer applicable (Business/Marketing)

Two new Town Council to be confirmed after Mayor making.

SF / MS to present an overview of The Partnership at the next Full Council Meeting.

Project updates

Dementia Friendly Town.

New target for Dementia Friends set at 1000, currently at 721.  28 organisations/businesses are involved. We have 14 businesses that we are currently working with to improve their physical environment.  Presentation on the Dementia Buddy Scheme took place on 23rd April, around 25 attendees. The scheme is being sponsored by Congleton Lions. Multiple activities planned for Dementia Action Week, including DF Sessions, Games Session and a PR stall at The Makers Market to advertise the new Dementia Buddy Scheme and our Quarterly Activity Leaflet. D Ritherdon to present at the Annual Town Meeting 16th May.


Congleton Sports Trust.

Funding now in place for the new 3G pitch and Eaton Bank Academy, and will go ahead subject to planning permission.

Sports Trust met with CEBC re shortage of pitches across the board and our growing population issue. CEBC have no provision for growth currently, Town Council will need to put some push behind this. A complete “Sports Centre” for Congleton is the aspiration.


Walking Map Project.

5 Towns Partnership Project similar to the cycling map project link the 5 old Congleton Borough Towns by a safe and interesting walking route. Sub group of ramblers and partnership chairs.

£10k received from the New Homes Bonus Scheme and the project is progressing nicely. Maps could be out by late summer, and PR /activity to launch them will be planned.


MMW Fund.

The fund has generated £5000 for projects this year, 8 groups have benefited from this with £4900 being allocated. This time each successful group will be given a copy of Margaret’s book at a presentation night being arranged by Jackie. This will give us an opportunity to publicise the award scheme and remind residents that the book is still available to buy.

MS to ask J.Doe to contact CCF to see if they have any idea what will be available to us this year.



Work has already started in that the 14 plaques are being quarried and cut , carving /layout and names have been agreed with Stones of Weymouth and a quantity of Ketley Blue bricks have been purchased

A schedule has been drawn up and we are currently making the deadlines set.

David McGifford and Jackie Potts to have a meeting with John Carter to make sure we are operating within the Town Council rules of procurement.(28th May)

Fundraising is still ongoing, we have raised just over £52K so far which with The Town Council underwrite means we can progress. We now need to work on reducing that underwrite.

JMac / MS / JM and D.McG to put a fundraising plan together to help offset as much of the underwrite as possible and aim to get more general public financial support behind the project.

Create a page on CTC Website, involve Army and Air cadets, use both local and social media, crowdfunding, collection buckets, Chamber Magazine

In kind. Grahams the Link Rd contractor has offered some “In Kind” support and JKC is liaising with them on this.

Date and Time of the next meeting.

Monday 15th July 2019 The Spencer Suite , 9.30am.