Projects & Finance Committee meeting took place recently, download the full meeting minutes HERE.
Highlights include:
Dementia Friendly Town.
Little physical activity since “lockdown” although both DR and MS have sat in on various Alzheimer’s Soc Webinars. Contact has been made regularly with the group sharing information, grant opportunities and activities that can be organised (remotely) to keep morale up in these trying times.
DR has now written to all members requesting updates as to their activities, currently, The Cricket Club have restarted Company Corner, Chappell Centre has reopened its café areas, and The Old Saw Mill has reopened with some small group usage, café and supporting the “ Big Lunch” idea involving around 50 residents each Friday.
May look to hold a Zoom conference during Sept, members interest permitting.
Congleton Sports Trust.
David reported that Cheshire East’s review of the Leisure Centre facilities and siting could have a long term effect on sport in general in Congleton. And that we need to improve our links with Cheshire East’s Team to have real say in what is best for Congleton. Currently no coordinated push towards a sports hub.
Nothing else new happening at present. The formal merger of junior and senior football has gone through the club(s) now using one name and common kit.
The new 3G facility at EBA is virtually complete.
Walking Map Project.
5 Towns Partnership Project similar to the cycling map project link the 5 old Congleton Borough Towns by a safe and interesting walking route. Sub group of ramblers and partnership chairs.
£10k received from the New Homes Bonus Scheme and the project is progressing nicely. Maps could be out by late summer, and PR /activity to launch them will be planned.
The planned launch event for April had to be postponed because of COVID 19. It was felt that with all of the extra walkings that was going on we should PR the project and make the maps available to the public. An article plus photo appeared in a July edition of The Chronicle with a smaller article in the U3A newsletter also distribute widely in July. Maps are now available from TIC, Library and Astbury Mere Visitor Centre.
Health and Wellbeing Fayre 6.10.20
Very successful event held on 1st October, 50+ exhibitors and around 180 residents attending. The event planned for 6th |October 2020 has been cancelled as a physical event.
CTC Health and Wellbeing Group looking to do something online on that date using social media. Currently, they are concentrating on Mental Health and Domestic Abuse. The latest survey monkey report (still ongoing) indicates a very high level of mental health issues resulting from COVID 19. Looking for funding to create a domestic abuse drop in for more regular activity and support.
Work currently on schedule to finish early October. No Major issues currently, PR via The Chronicle, Social Media and Websites. No British Legion parade this year, dedication event to be held Spring 2021, conditions permitting. MS discussed with R.Burgess replanting and landscaping. RB has all the current planning agreements to hand including plants and siting. Once planted to these agreements then extra planting can be added to improve colour/impact.
Date and Time of the next meeting.
Meeting ended 11.52 am
Next Meeting TBC