The partnership executive meeting took place recently, projects and budgets discussed for the coming year. Read the full meeting minutes HERE.
Partnership Budgets / Project Plan 2021- 2022.
A budget and project spreadsheet was issued prior to the meeting and will be circulated with this copy of the minutes for reference/agreements.
All projects were discussed and a traffic light scheme used to indicate were planned were agreed and where more work was needed. Red – Reject, Amber – More work required – Green Good to go, the projects now need detail put behind them.
Issues raised
Cenotaph – It was felt that it may be a great time to see if we could generate any more money for this pot, MS to put out on social media.
Trees – Pear Trees in Back St Car Park. MS to contact Ruth re weeding around the trees as they are not currently producing fruit, and this may be part of the reason.
Mini Bus – Dementia training. Look to add an element of Dementia awareness in our driver training programme.
Trees – maintenance. MG confirmed that a maintenance programme was being set up for trees planted on CEBC land.
Recycling Scheme. D Brown suggested a close working relationship with ANSA as to how we could best support their projects/scheme (eg Clothing)
Elizabeth’s Group to work up the project with statuettes to be used to raise more funding for their statue project.
The full project sheets, pages 1 and 2 will come out with these minutes and be working documents to develop these projects.
- Town Centre: Remains a difficult time on the High Street. Many shops were forced to close during the second lockdown and very much hoping that people will come back and shop locally when trading commences.
Two of our main chain stores are in administration – Peacocks and Dorothy Perkins. We have heard that Argos is not re-opening its Congleton store and is closing 420 of its 520 standalone stores. It is not clear how long they will be able to keep trading.
We are expecting the next two quarters to remain difficult. The Town Centre Business Working Group is looking at wider plans around the Scarborough site and market as well as increased marketing of the keep it local message and initiatives to make the Town Centre as attractive as possible.
The meeting ended at 7.45pm
Next Meeting is on Tuesday 2nd March 2021, 5.30pm, via Zoom – details nearer the time