by Cong@Ches5919P | Feb 21, 2019
River Dane Walkway/Cycleway Aim: To complete the River Dane walkway /cycleway (this is the last piece) from Dane Street through to Riverdane Road (Eaton Bank Industrial Estate) Partners: The Congleton Partnership Situation Update. Partners:- The Congleton Partnership...
by Cong@Ches5919P | Feb 21, 2019
Moody Street Garden Aim: To upgrade this area to the level on the Antrobus St Gardens creating a community space. The long term the plan is totally to upgrade this area to the level on the Antrobus St Gardens improvement. There is some S106 allocated to this...
by Cong@Ches5919P | Feb 21, 2019
Mountbatten Way Aim: A project to remove the railings and create a central green boulevard. A project to remove the railings and create a central green boulevard.BE/DMcG to discuss with Cllr D Brown (CEBC Deputy Leader) the concept of a trial area between the 2 Bears...